
Hos Bybi forbinder vi bier, honningproduktion og socialt arbejde. Vi vil inspirere alle til at bidrag til en alsidig, frodig bynatur på arbejdspladser, i hjemmet og i offentlige rum. Sådan skaber vi en bedre by for bestøver og et mere inkluderende samfund.

Bybis bier flyver på kryds og tværs af Københavns blomsterbede for at lave honning til vores produkter. Bierne bor på tage og i grønne lommer over hele byen. Bybi honning er produceret med omhu i små partier, så den unikke smag fra hver bydel og årstid bevares. Den indeholder hverken pesticider eller forurening fra luften – kun ren honning fra en af verdens smukkeste byer!


We are extremely proud of the pure, local honey that our bees gather for us in Copenhagen. And we are equally passionate about both the people and the flowers that make urban beekeeping possible. Our honey is what connects for example, Aref, one of our beekeepers who recently came to Copenhagen from Syria, and the hot buttered toast and honey enjoyed by a family in a city apartment.

Bybi means ”City Bee” in Danish. Every glass of honey, every city district and every season tastes a little different. City honey reminds us that, like honey itself, a green and inclusive city is something we make together

Bybi honey is not polluted. It is 100% pure and unpasteurised. It can crystallise with time, but this does not affect its quality. Just gently warm the glass in a bowl of warm water and it will clarify again.

Bybi is part honey factory, part production cooperative, part museum and part cultural centre. Naturally, all our profits support social and environmental projects in Copenhagen.




Aarhus September 12-13 2020, Axel Towers 14-16 December 2018, København, København 10-11 November 2018, København 24-25 august 2019, København 7-8 marts 2020, København 9-10 November 2019


Hos Bybi forbinder vi bier, honningproduktion og socialt arbejde. Vi vil inspirere alle til at bidrag til en alsidig, frodig bynatur på arbejdspladser, i hjemmet og i offentlige rum. Sådan skaber vi en bedre by for bestøver og et mere inkluderende samfund.

Bybis bier flyver på kryds og tværs af Københavns blomsterbede for at lave honning til vores produkter. Bierne bor på tage og i grønne lommer over hele byen. Bybi honning er produceret med omhu i små partier, så den unikke smag fra hver bydel og årstid bevares. Den indeholder hverken pesticider eller forurening fra luften – kun ren honning fra en af verdens smukkeste byer!


We are extremely proud of the pure, local honey that our bees gather for us in Copenhagen. And we are equally passionate about both the people and the flowers that make urban beekeeping possible. Our honey is what connects for example, Aref, one of our beekeepers who recently came to Copenhagen from Syria, and the hot buttered toast and honey enjoyed by a family in a city apartment.

Bybi means ”City Bee” in Danish. Every glass of honey, every city district and every season tastes a little different. City honey reminds us that, like honey itself, a green and inclusive city is something we make together

Bybi honey is not polluted. It is 100% pure and unpasteurised. It can crystallise with time, but this does not affect its quality. Just gently warm the glass in a bowl of warm water and it will clarify again.

Bybi is part honey factory, part production cooperative, part museum and part cultural centre. Naturally, all our profits support social and environmental projects in Copenhagen.




Aarhus September 12-13 2020, Axel Towers 14-16 December 2018, Copenhagen 10-11 November 2018, København, København 24-25 august 2019, København 7-8 marts 2020, København 9-10 November 2019
Designmarked: København 25.-26. maj