Krista Tolstrup

Krista laver linoleumstryk, inspireret af noget af det der gør hende glad her i livet, nemlig mad og naturen. Hun eksperimenterer med former, farver, struktur, det enkle, og gerne med et humoristisk touch. Hun påskønner håndværket, og derfor trykker hun i hånden på håndlavet bomuldspapir, hvorefter hun signerer og nummerer hendes tryk, som altid er i begrænset oplæg.
Foruden linoleumstryk, arbejder hun også med papirklip og keramik.

Krista er oprindeligt uddannet inden for grafisk design og web, men studerer nu til pædagog, da hun drømmer om at give sin glæde og passion for det kreative videre. Hun tilbyder derfor også workshops i linoleumstryk i Aarhus.


Krista makes linocuts that are inspired by the things that makes her happy in life, namely food and nature. She experiments with shapes, colors, structure, simplicity and often with & humorous twist. She appreciates the craft, and therefore she makes the print with her hands and on handmade cotton paper, afterwards she signs and numbers each print, which is always made in & limited edition.

Besides linoleum prints, she also works with paper cuts and ceramics.

Krista originally has an education within graphic design and web, but now studies to become & pedagogue, where her dream is to share her joy and passion, and influence others to explore their creative side. Therefore, she also offers workshops in linocuts in Aarhus.



Aarhus September 11-12 2021
Designmarked: København 25.-26. maj